Legends I was out mowing Friday and like any normal Legend was thinking of a new contest for the league. A few months back....(just checked it was September 2014, time has flown) I created a site called ClosingBell. It was apart of the League of Legends version 2.0 (technically we are playing on LOL v 3.0). Anyway ClosingBell was a stock pickem game where you picked the price of 5 stocks daily and you pick a closing day price. If you were within +- a certain percentage of the price you set than you got points for that pick. It was a daily thing, and a little complicated. Anyway, while mowing I was thinking there should be an easier way to make a stock pickem game for the legends. Thus the idea for Bulls and Bears was born. Here is the rough idea: Before the Monday opening bell Legends will pick 2 stocks. Bull Stock - legends will pick a stock they think will rise this week Bear Stock - legends will pick a stock they think will fall this week Friday close prices are...