Our latest installment of TWILOLB with special guest host Clayton "The Peyton Manning of Baseball" Kershaw. Epic Showdown of the Week This week's ESOTW saw a throw down between UnderHochevars vs. Here's My Donation. Unconfirmed reports from the Donation camp that the manager was at the lake all weekend and wasn't even sure the showdown was this close. UnderHochevars left the gates strong with a 25 point lead after Monday play. However this screenshot of UnderHochevars lineup should speak for itself: Decimated by injuries and excuses UnderHochevars was somehow able to maintain the lead all week. The official Crap Your Bed Day (Sponsored by Domino's) in the matchup was Thursday with UnderHochevars hanging a mere 23.08 total points on the board. However not to be outdone was Here's My Donation's 10.75 total Thursday points. With solid Saturday and Sunday showings Here's My Donation pulled within 13 points. UnderHochevars was able to hold ...